Steps to Release Downloadable MP3 series

Book Companion MP3 series

Track 1: Introduction

Track 2: Focuses on the grounding procedure and the process of using the Infinity Sign to clear the block wall of fear.

Track 3: Guides you through the process of cleansing and balancing the seven chakras.

Track 4: Includes steps to release anger and resentment every time it comes up so that you can fulfill your deep need inside and turn anger into happiness.

Track 5: Covers the process of releasing powerlessness and instilling your DNA (Dynamic Natural Authentic) Power.

Track 6: Outlines steps to release the lack of self-love and instill self-love as the foundation of your body.

Please do not drive or operate machinery while listening to these MP3s.

NOTE: Please do not order MP3's if you have the following diagnosis: Misophonia/Hyperacusis and Sensory Processing Disorder.


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Once downloaded, unzip the compressed file to access and play all the MP3's.
